Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Graff Lab Part 2

On my visit to the lab, I took several pictures of some of the art on the wall. Guerrero's intention was to keep this lot for the artists' of the neighborhood. However, more and more people have started to hear about this place and people have traveled from as far as Oxnard to Orange County. 

All he asks for from the kids is a $5 donation to keep up with clearing the walls and any other up-keeping that the Graff Lab might need. Although it is not required to paint.

While I talked with Guerrero, a fight nearly broke out between two boys from the neighborhood. Quickly, he rushed over and broke it up before any actual physical violence broke out. It was just kids up in each others' faces arguing about neighborhood trivialities.

After he stopped the fight, he came back smiling and said that had not happened in a long time since he kicked out the thugs from the lot.

Before I walked off to take pictures I asked him if there were any more places like the Graff Lab. He said that some neighborhoods have local painting spots, but there needs to be more of a community effort to try to open up public spaces for kids to go, hang-out and paint.

"Keep them out of trouble," he said.

Here are Graff Lab pictures:

Graff Lab
A painting of Ricardo Guerrero.
The infamous LA Gang Tours that take people on a tour in Los Angeles.
Spray cans
An artist finishing up a painting.

A man relaxing in front of his unfinished piece.
Graff Lab patrons on a hot Saturday afternoon.
A boy painting a penguin Batman.
The finished penguin Batman.

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